What is Fat Cavitation? How does it work?
We can get into the technicality of it all, however a simplified form explaining what Fat Cav is and how it works, is as follows;
Ultrasonic Waves are sent into the fat cells, disrupting the cell membrane and breaking it down into a liquid. The previous fat cells now broken down into liquid are then dispersed through the bodies lymphatic and urinary system, essentially eliminating the fat cells through urinating and sweating. Bye bye fat cells!
Skin Tightening uses low energy radiation to heat the dermis, This heat stimulates the production of collagen to help improve signs of lax skin, especially areas around the lower stomach and belly button from pregnancy. Research has found that skin tightening is usually safe and can be effective at treating mild or moderate signs of ageing as well as lax skin.
Who is it suitable for? How can I maintain results?
Fat Cav is not to be mistaken as a miracle treatment to instantly slim down your figure and remove fat, it is a great treatment to aide in dispersing stubborn fat pockets if you are living a relatively healthy life style; including eating healthier foods, keeping active and drinking water.
If you are struggling to lose weight in certain areas where stubborn fat pockets have formed, Fat Cav would be a suitable treatment. You are to under go a thorough consultation prior to treatment to ensure you are not at risk of adverse reactions, and that your medical history clears you for this service. To maintain the results of the treatment, there are a few things to follow; * Drinking plenty of water * Exercising and keeping active * Choosing a healthier diet to fuel and deliver nutrients to your body.
What does it feel like?
Fat Cav is a painless treatment, there may be some redness visible after treatment which will subside. During the treatment you will feel heat from the hand-piece which is perfectly tolerable. Skin Tightening heats the skin a little more, it is tolerable and comfortable and you should not experience any pain.
How many sessions are needed?
72 hours must pass in order to have your 2nd treatment, however to be on the safe side here at The Skin Room Geelong we will book your appointment minimum 1 week apart. This is so the body can eliminate the fat correctly without being put under too much stress.
The amount of sessions is tailored to the individual, however on a general basis 3 - 6 - 10 sessions is an appropriate guide. You may see a reduction after your first session, and may be happy with the results however a continuous course of 3 minimum will produce best results.
Pre & Post Care
* Drink at least 1.5 litres of water before your treatment, and another 1.5 litres after your treatment. Drinking water is an essential part in eliminating the fat.
* A sauna or spa 12 hours post treatment can assist in removing toxins, ensure that you are drinking a lot of water if you choose to take this option to assist in results.
* Follow a healthier diet and move your body more to see optimum results
*Exercise for at least 20 minutes after your treatment, this will stimulate lymph movement
* Do not wear any jewellery or metallic accessories during your treatment
* Bloating and puffiness after the treatment is norma, it can take some time for our bodies to break down the toxins and pass the liquified fat through our lymph system
* You can experience a headache post treatment as this is a result of toxins and fat cells that have been liquified leaving the body
You might see some redness, swelling or experience some tightness on or around the treated area, which typically disappears in a few days to a week. For a few days after the treatment, it is normal to experience some dryness, keeping the skin hydrated with a low chemical moisturiser will be best. You may notice an increase in urine output following treatment. This is completely normal and is due to the excretion of waste products.
Key Factors to remember;
The type of excess fat to be addressed - Genetic and environmental factors, including diet and lifestyle makes each human unique, so to their results.
Exercise and a balanced diet should be incorporated in the program, to naturally encourage metabolism, thereby elimination of liquified fat after Fat Cav.
Hydration pre and post treatment affect results
*Image as above is a before and after 1 session of fat cavitation, left is before and right is taken immediately after.
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